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Keep yourself in good health by doing This!

疫情期間,熱水除了多喝,還可以這樣養生! In Addition To Drinking Of More Warm Water During The Outbreak, You Can Also Keep Yourself In Good Health By Doing This!

“晨起三百步,晚間一盆湯。”這就是乾隆皇帝公開的長壽秘訣,其中的“湯”指的就是泡腳湯。“唐宋八大家”之一蘇東坡就曾說過:“熱浴足法,其效初不甚覺,但積累百餘日,功用不可量,比之服藥,其效百倍。”也有研究表明,泡腳半小時後,全身血液流量會增加10~18倍。 從中醫的觀點來看,人五臟六腑的功能在腳上都有相應的穴位。 腳不僅是足三陰經的起始點,還是足三陽經的終止處,這些經脈之根分別在腳上的6個穴位中,僅腳踝以下就有33個穴位,雙腳穴位達66個,它們分別對應著人體的五臟六腑,占全身穴位的10%。艾灸、 按摩(點穴) 、或泡腳等, 都是中醫養生的方式。經常泡腳也可刺激腳部的太沖、隱白、太溪、湧泉以及踝關節以下各穴位,從而起到滋補元氣、壯腰強筋、調理臟腑、疏通經絡,促進新陳代謝以及延緩衰老的功效,可以防治各臟腑功能紊亂、消化不良、便秘、脫髮落髮、耳鳴耳聾、頭昏眼花、牙齒鬆動、失眠、關節麻木等症。因此民間有“睡前一盆湯,賽過人參湯”的說法。 我們在臨床都會建議患者用水煮30克的艾葉再加15克的紅花用來泡腳。 20至30分鐘即可,不要泡到大汗淋漓,因為身體失水過多容易轉虛。 所以水不可太燙, 水溫在40攝氏度左右即可。一星期內可泡兩到三次, 不必每天。晩飯一小時後才能開始進行。進行時必須特別注意保暖, 不可受風寒。辟免在有空調的地方進行或吹風扇。進行中可慢慢增加煮過的湯藥水。 The saying of: "Three hundred steps in the morning and a bucket of soup in the evening." is the secret of longevity disclosed by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. The "soup" refers here means foot bath soup. Su Dongpo, one of the "eight well know persons during the Tang and Song Dynasties," once said: "The method of thermal foot bath is not very effective at first, but if continued and accumulated for more than a hundred days, its efficacy becomes immeasurable when compares to oral intake medicine. Its effect is 100 more times." There are also studies concluded: half an hour of foot bath will increase overall body blood circulation by 10 to 18 times.

According to the meridians system and viscera organ theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), each viscera organ has its own functions and has its corresponding acupuncture points on the feet. There are not just where the starting points of the leg’s three Yin meridians are located, but also the terminal points of the 3 leg’s yang meridians, a total of six points on each foot, with a total of 33 acupoints below the ankle, so both feet have 66 acupoints that correspond to the body's internal organs which accounts for 10% of the total body acupuncture points. Modalities such as moxibustion, massage (acupressure), or foot bath, etc., are ways of Chinese medicine holistic healthcare regimen. Practicing foot bath quite often helps in stimulating the Tai Chong acupoint (LR3), YinBai acupoint (SP1), TaiXi acupoint (K13), Yongquan acupoint (K1) and those acupoints located below the ankle that have roles in nourishing vitality, strengthening lumbar and tendons, conditioning organs, smoothening the flow of meridians, promoting metabolism and the efficacy of anti-aging, preventing and treating the dysfunction of various organs, indigestion, constipation, hair loss, tinnitus and deafness, dizziness, loosen gum, insomnia, numbness, and joint problem. That is why there is such folklore saying: "A bucket of soup before going to bed is far better than drinking ginseng soup."

Clinically, we often advise patients to use 30 grams of Ai Ye (Folium Artemisia Argyi) together with 15 grams of Hong Hua (Flos Carthami) to be boiled with water for foot bathing, just for 20 to 30 minutes each time. Do not allow to sweat too much. Because too much release of body fluid will weaken our body system to become deficient, so water should not be too hot. The right water temperature should be more or less at 40 degrees Celsius during soaking. Frequency is two or three times a week and not every day. Start the procedure at least one hour after dinner. Must pay special attention to the surrounding environment preventing from catching a cold, must keep warm, and therefore avoid blowing of air from fan or air-conditioning. May pour the set aside boiled soup into the bucket subsequently and gradually to maintain warmness during the progress.

Article from: Dr. Jeffrey Tse Fai Chua

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