In the Lunar calendar, today (5/5/2020)is the beginning of the summer. ‘Yang Qi’ becomes its strongest 3 months period. Everything enters its peak season. In traditional medicine, the priority during this time of the year is getting the ‘cold evils’ out of the body, by raising the’ Yang Qi’.
Here are some tips for you to raise your Yang Qi. Stay healthy.
1. Conform to nature and allow your natural balance to establish itself. Get some sunshine, break a sweat, and stay out of the air conditioning. In this powerful season the warm ‘Yang Qi’ spreads out, it is the cold and vacuity inside the body that is dispersed from the warming nature of Yang. If one has a weak stomach (cold obstructing the stomach) this transformation cannot happen easily.
The best way of strengthening the stomach, in other words, is to keep it warm.
An old saying goes: "Eat radish (cold) in the winter, and eat ginger(hot) in the summer & you will never need a doctor’s prescription."
Ginger is pungent, warm, disperse cold, strengthens the stomach, is both an antioxidant & an antibacterial... it has so many benefits.
2. Ginger Date Tea consumed daily for those individuals who suffer from cold damp, "Yang Deficient" constitution.
How do you know if you are affected? What following conditions do you have?
Cold hands and feet all the time
Cold belly and lower back
Poor appetite
Edema & puffiness
Get ‘fat’ even just drinking water
Or easily catch a cold?
If any of these apply to you it is a great idea to have hot ginger tea daily during this season.
It is easy to make the ginger tea:
Slice a piece of ginger (big as your thumb will be more than enough) with the peel on will be better.
3-5pcs of red date (da Zao), take out the seeds
Use high heat to bring it to a rolling boil, then turn to low heat and simmer for half an hour.
Drink it while it warm during 7-9 am in the morning.
3. Pickled Ginger
Ginger Date tea is not suitable for people who have the Yin Deficient constitution, the easiest way to distinguish if this is you is to look at your tongue. Is your tongue is red without a coating or does it have a yellow greasy coating? If yes, the vinegar ginger will be a better choice.
It will function to strengthen the stomach, disperse the cold,
invigorate blood, strengthens the liver, and help burn fat, What a great benefit of losing weight.
Tips for making the ginger vinegar.
Fresh tender ginger, rice vinegar, and salt.
Slice the ginger, add salt, then let it sit for an hour.
Squeeze out the water, use the paper towel get rid of the extra water. Then add the rice vinegar… Done!
Consume a few pieces every morning with breakfast.
4. The best for last!
Ginger foot bath soak
2-3 times a week, soak your feet at night an hour before bedtime with the ginger foot bath ball.
Herbal extracts from Ginger, Masala, Pinellia, and Notopterygium Root are combines with Epsom Salts.
The benefits are including but not limited to: Regulate fluid metabolism and reduce swelling; Improve blood circulation and promote temperature balance; Relieve arthritis pain and inflammation.
Fill the bath with warm water and add one bath ball to keep the water temperature around 107-114°F; One bath ball for about 9 liters of water; Suggest soaking for 20 - 30 minutes.