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Mugwort Herbal Bath Balls

Mugwort Herbal Foot Soaks are therapeutic for #Detox remove #FluidRetention #ReliefPain.

Main Ingredients are: #Mugwort : Disperses cold and alleviates pain; Eliminates dampness and stops itching.

#Leomurus : Invigorates the blood, promotes urination, reduces swelling; Clears heat, and resolves toxicity.

#Liquorice : Moderates spasms and alleviates pain; Clears heat and resolves fire toxicity.

FYI: Resources come from Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica 3rd edition. The benefits of the herbs refer to a certain dosage and per os.

How the bath balls formed? We select the herbs boil them down into the concentrated liquor, mix with Epsom salt, hand-form the #bathballs, through a low-temperature sterilization process. Then sealed in the foil. Compare with all the other #footbathsoaks on the market, the raw #herbalbathsoak you can see the ingredients, but in order to get the active ingredients to work effectively, you have to boil it for over an hour, you will get max benefits from the extracted herbal foot soaks.

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